More predictions: Calgary weather forecast 30 days

Victoria, BC – Butchart Gardens

Located at the tip of Vancouver Island is the city of Victoria, capital of the province of British Columbia. A charming city, with its beautiful gardens, the historic center full of history and streets with buildings that preserve the British colonial style. Butchart Gardens National Historic Site of Canada is an internationally known public attraction […]

World Cup in Vancouver

It has been confirmed that Vancouver will host 7 World Cup games. In 2026 it will be the first time in the history of the World Cup that the games will be divided between 3 different countries – Canada, the United States and Mexico. There will be 104 games, from 48 teams played in 16 host cities: 78 in the United States, of which […]

Cherry trees in Vancouver

Spring arrived, and with it the Cherry trees began to bloom. They are Vancouver's success, and they usher in the arrival of this season that brings life back to the city after winter. Vancouver's original 500 cherry trees were a gift from the mayors of Kobe and Yokohama in the 1970s.